National Meeting MASTERY 2017 – The tale
National Meeting MASTERY 2017 – The tale
Pictures form the MASTERY “Five Years Anniversary” National Meeting 2017, held on Saturday, May 20, at PalaSavelli in Porto S. Giorgio (FM).
The event, jointly organized by the International Academy for Security and Defense and the Italian Defense Association (AID), under the patronage of the City of Porto San Giorgio (FM), developed during the day and saw the participation of nearly fifty practitioners and instructors from all over Italy.
Mr. Remo Grassetti, Head Master MASTERY and creator of the method MAS – Moving Action Surprise System©, guided participants through different therotical and practical activities aimed at providing knowledge and skills for the prevention and management of critical situations and Self-Defence.
The first part of the meeting saw the presentation of the event by Dr. Aldo Pigoli, General Manager of MASTERY and lecturer of the Catholic University of Milan, with a greeting message by Avv. Nicola Loira, the Mayor of Porto San Giorgio.
After the break, Dr. Aldo Pigoli developed an intervention on verbal and nonverbal communication and dynamic negotiation. The participants received further knowledge on the issues of security and on the prevention and management of critical situations.
The event has been very successful, with the active and interested participation of everybody.
Celebrations for the 5 years’ anniversary of the method MAS – Moving Action Surprise System© will continue in the coming months with various events and events.
For info and news on the next events:
Mob. +39 346 168 0746 / +39 335 774 0487